
5 Tips On How To Make Her Horny

5 Tips On How To Make Her Horny

Do you know how to make a woman horny? I’m not talking about about just getting your girl wet during sex. And I’m not talking about getting a woman horny one time.
I’m talking about the kind of horniness that is a state of being.
Horniness is a lifestyle. And there are ways to drastically increase a woman’s general state of horniness. Ways that may surprise you. Knowing what to do in the bedroom is only part of the equation (by the way if you want a little help in that department there’s a life-changing course for that and it’s called She Comes Too).

Even if you’re turning it out in between the sheets, there is so much more that goes into a woman’s general state of horniness. In this article, we’re going to break down the 5 tips you need to know to make her horny.

Number One: Understand Breaks And Accelerators

All people have a dual-control model of sexuality which states that we have both a sexual inhibitory system and a sexual excitatory system.
Translation? Think of us like a car. We have a gas pedal but we also have breaks.
Most men assume that to get a woman horny, they just have to push harder and harder on the gas. But think of it this way. You can slam the gas pedal all you want, but if you’ve also got a foot on the brake or the emergency brake is on, You’re not getting anywhere.
If you want to make her horny, it’s equally as important to eliminate the breaks as it is to know the accelerators. That means getting to know what turns her off and getting rid of them.
And breaks can take so many different forms. They can be both sexual and seemingly have nothing to do with sex at all.
Perhaps conventional, gentle sexual encounters detract from her immersion in the experience. She may have exercised earlier, but now she feels unclean and requires a shower. She may be experiencing insecurity with her physique in this setting.
It could be related to her being overworked or a shitty situation with a friend or family member.
If you’re attentive to alleviating all these sources of discomfort in her life and being there for her in ways that aren’t purely sexual, you’ll be shocked to see how much her sex drive skyrockets naturally.

Number Two: Make Her Feel Desired

Here’s something that men often forget.
Women want to be horny. They want to have sex with you.
But to do that, they need to feel wanted and desired inside and out of the bedroom. What makes a woman horny is feeling consistently and constantly desired, not just when you’re having sex. And her erotic language might be very different than yours.
If you want your woman’s baseline to be horny, then your baseline has to be desirous, and in a language that makes sense to her. See my videos on the erotic blueprints for more information on how to do that.
If you’re thinking to yourself that she knows you desire her, yet she’s not responsive, I can guarantee that you’re speaking to her in the wrong erotic blueprint. But if you can start to speak her language in a way that makes her feel like the minute she gives the green light you are ready to bring get down exactly how she wants it?
She will be wetting her panties more than you can dream of.

Number Three: Make Her Feel Seen

Women all want to let loose and come into our most powerful, exciting sexual selves, but at the same time, we’re emotional beings.
To let go, we need to feel a level of care and safety from our partners. Are you making your partner feel deeply understood? Are you making her feel emotionally supported and truly seen? When you begin to do that, she’ll finally be able to open up and get comfortable expressing herself sexually.
So, how do you do that?
Start by being a good listener! Ask her questions about her day and how she’s feeling. Show interest in things about her that aren’t purely sexual. Show her that you value her beyond just her body.
As sappy as it may sound, women are SO turned on by authentically caring men. It’s one of the hottest qualities you can have.
Show her you care, and watch her blossom into the sexually empowered, horny woman she can be.

Number Four: Take Care Of Yourself

There’s no easy way to put this.
If you’re out there looking like Oscar the Grouch, how are you expecting her to be horny for you?
Taking care of yourself not only does wonders for your self-confidence and general success in life… but it will also go such a long way in making the woman you desire horny for you.
There’s the obvious factor that taking care of yourself will make you look better and carry yourself with more confidence. But there’s also the fact that taking care of yourself is a compliment to HER as well.
When you’re working on yourself with a growth mindset, working to reach your goals, grooming, and being attentive to how you present yourself, it tells her that you think she is worth the effort.
But when you’re not doing these things? It tells her that you think she deserves a slob. And this is especially important in relationships that have been going on for a little while.
Both men and women are guilty of letting themselves go. You stop dressing up for each other. Maybe you don’t get regular haircuts anymore because you ask yourself, “Who have I got to impress?”
HER! You have her to impress!
Taking care of yourself will make her want you more. It will make her horny for you and in general. The effort is worth your while.

Number Five: Play The Seduction Long Game

If your seduction game is getting a little lazy, getting creative with it will go a long way in making your lady horny for you. If your move has pretty much exclusively become reaching over to touch her ass, or going straight in for a boob grab… then you’re probably leaving something to be desired.
Women are ALL about foreplay. And the same way we need you to touch us and go down on us before penetrative sex? Well, we need to be warmed up to even feel horny to begin with. The key here is thinking outside the box.
Say your girl is bent over, and the view of her ass is turning her on your instinct may be to slap it. And I get that. It’s instant gratification and a clear way of communicating that you want her.
But instead, how about you send her some desirous energy? Instead of acting out your intention, make it known in more subliminal ways. Like the way you look at her for example.
Then a little later, tell her that you wanted to slap her ass. For a woman, knowing that she was desired is way more of a turn-on than a simple bum tap. Knowing that you restrained yourself but have been thinking about tearing her clothes off will make her want you to tear her clothes off.
It’s arousing to have a little time to just notice that someone wants us. When you’re aroused, things in your behavior naturally shift and women pick up on those changes. We notice the way you’re looking at us, the change in your breathing, the difference in how you’re standing, and that’s the stuff we find arousing.
So there you have it. Five things I bet you didn’t know about how to make a woman TRULY horny. And knowledge my friend… is half the battle. So get out there, hit all those notes, and I guarantee your lady’s horniness will go off the charts.

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